As I think of all these riots that are going on around the country it makes me so very sad, that we as a human race can be so unkind to one another. If those who are in law enforcement can't do their job, because they have to watch every move they make, it becomes frustrating. If those who live in poverty and are continually harassed because of how they look, it is frustrating. So many people on this earth are good honest people, but a handful that choose to be unkind ruins everything for the rest of us. Then there are the pictures of people walking on my Flag! Now this makes me angry. I want to make a video on Facebook and tell those who don't want to live in this country just how I feel. But then, I think will that do any good, am I one of those that think saying what I want and posting it on social media does any good at all? I think that it doesn't. I believe that it starts with parents that teach kindness and respect. Yes kindness and respect. Imagine a world where there is kindness and respect to all!! Just imagine what that would feel like for everyone. From the rich to the poor, from those in the highest power to those who have nothing. I think we are talking about being Christ like to all. Following our Savior and walking His walk, talking His talk. Think of how much better we would all be if, for example, our law enforcement officers were trained to respond kindly to all those who choose to spit at them, or swear at them. Could it make a difference? No I am not wearing rose colored glasses, I know there are those times when the police have to use force. I understand that. Or they have to treat some in a forceful manner because they refuse to obey commands. What would change if, after that encounter, there was kindness used. No retaliation, no revenge. Thoughts? Am I so ignorant that imagining a world like that makes me unrealistic? No matter, I still believe kindness and respect is the answer to so many of our woes as a society.
So is this a challenge?
I believe our country is being tested and tried. Are we up to the task? Be kinder today than you were yesterday and each day strive to be kinder.