Our Christmas Tree decorated by Alissa. She insisted that we have huge ornaments. It did turn out pretty.
Santa gave Steve a handheld garmin for hunting. He didn't know that he had been that good!
Brother Thad got some brand new overalls and a nice shirt. He thought that was kind of funny since he has a couple of pair that I keep patching. Do you think I am tired of patching overalls?
Alissa got a sweet gift from me. A picture frame with all of her favorite pictures of our little angel, Brooks that she placed for adoption. I still get teary eyed when I think of him.
So Alissa had to try on Uncle Thad's new overalls. We got a great laugh out of it, he wasn't sure if it was funny or not. He doesn't get our sense of humor sometimes.Nice fitting overalls, right? I asked Thad today if he had tried them on yet and he said no. Hmmm, hope we didn't hurt his feelings. After opening up Christmas we went to Chet's for Christmas dinner. Since Nicole had just given birth to Taylee, I took over the whole dinner. While we were eating, Thad asked if Taylee's eyes were open yet. He is so naive sometimes. That made us all laugh, he thinks in animal terms. I told him that she was born with her eyes open, humans are born that way. It was a good laugh.
Here are two of our precious Grand babies, this is Jace and Taylee. It is one of the greatest gifts we have, are our Grandchildren and we think of Brooks as one of ours too, although he has a different family now. We still love them all like they are our family. Kambry we don't get to see very often, she lives in St George, but we love her very much.